365 Days Part 2: What Happened to Laura and Massimo in the End of Movie?

Netflix subscribers became quite upset when Laura and Massimo’s love tale abruptly ended in The Next 365 Days in August 2022.

We can all agree that after the tragic events of 365 Days, Laura and Massimo worked to restore their relationship in the trilogy’s finale. As you may recall, Laura was fighting for her life at the end of This Day.

Fans of romantic dramas likely expected that the third film would, in fact, have more upheaval but that it would also eventually provide Laura and Massimo a happily ever after, regardless of how gloomy they were. But The Next 365 Days didn’t really finish that way.

Although it has not yet been revealed, fans are already hoping for a fourth movie so that the occasionally unhappy couple will find happiness. While we wait for details regarding a potential fourth film, let’s dive in to analyse that enigmatic finish.

How 365 Days Part 2 Changes the Book’s Ending?

The conclusion of 365 Days: This Day stays fairly true to the original book. Laura is taken captive by Anna and Adriano in both the book and the film versions. Nacho and Massimo try to save her, but they come to a deadlock, and Laura, Anna, and Adriano are shot during the ensuing gunfire.

365 Days Part 2

However, as Laura is still pregnant at this point in the original novel, 365 Days: This Day then changes the book’s denouement in the manner of I Am Legend and Jurassic Park.

As a result, in the introduction of the third book in the series, Massimo is forced to choose between preserving Laura’s life and the life of his unborn child, which is a very ethically charged and morally challenging issue that Netflix was right to leave out of this otherwise silly romance story.

365 days Part 2: Is Laura Dead?

Laura was supposed to be picked up by Anna and Adriano after the party, but she really left with Nacho. Although Nacho says he is the son of Don Fernando Matos, the “leader of the local Mafia and eternal rival of your husband’s family,” Laura may not think that’s a good thing.

Nacho wants to convince Laura that his love for her is genuine since he doesn’t want to end up like his father. Although having had enough (understandable considering her prior relationships), she is compelled to accompany Massimo to a meeting with Nacho’s father.

Through Laura, Don Matos hopes to convince Massimo to cede leadership of the family to his twin brother. The fact that Laura’s accident and other cautionary tales were ignored by Massimo meant that Adriano would be “more manageable” for Don Matos. Massimo declines, though, claiming Adriano was to blame for their father’s demise.

365 Days Part 2

Sadly for Massimo, when Laura arrived at the rendezvous, the wrong bodyguard ended up taking her. Massimo and Nacho observe Laura being accosted by Adriano and Anna as they search for her.

Adriano holds Laura prisoner during a confrontation in Mexico while also making fun of his brother for Laura’s miscarriage. But before Massimo can process that information, Laura tries to escape and is shot by Anna, who is then shot by Nacho. Then, before Adriano can shoot him, Massimo kills him.

Massimo is holding Laura in the final frame since it is all extremely dramatic and it is not obvious who is actually dead. Although Laura is most likely still alive because a third movie was announced at the same time as the sequel, Anna and Adriano are probably dead as well.

Although there were certain differences between the movie and the second novel, particularly regarding Nacho, Laura was still shot at the end of the film. One significant distinction was that she was still carrying Massimo’s child.

Massimo must choose whether to save Laura or their unborn child at the beginning of the third book. He picks Laura but withholds the reason for her miscarriage, thankfully the third film can’t repeat this nasty plot line.

Therefore anticipate Laura to be alive and possibly saved by Massimo in the third movie. Or maybe the threequel will just be two hours of Massimo engaging in grief sex with continual depressing music playing in the background.

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