What is Lucky Girl Syndrome? What Does the Latest Tik Tok Trend Mean?
If you’ve been looking around on TikTok lately, you’ve probably seen one of the thousands of videos about Lucky Girl Syndrome. Women on the platform say they have asked for everything, from a long-awaited raise and promotion to a new house.
The idea behind this trend is pretty simple: If you say positive things to yourself over and over and really believe in yourself, good things will happen.
“It’s easy to say, ‘Oh, I never win anything,’ and to keep saying bad things about ourselves over and over. But the Lucky Girl Syndrome tells you to start hoping for the best,” says Anna Grace Newell, an intuitive guide and spiritual teacher who has used this method for years in her own life. “Try to tell yourself, ‘The best things always happen to me or ‘Anna, everything always works out in my favour.'”
Reframing your thoughts isn’t new in and of itself, though. In fact, experts say that Lucky Girl Syndrome has its roots in old spiritual practices from many years ago. (It’s also important to note that even though the trend is called “Lucky Girl Syndrome,” it’s not just for girls!)
If you want to try your luck with the latest spiritual trend on TikTok, here’s what you need to know:
What Exactly is Lucky Girl Syndrome?
Lucky Girl Syndrome is the idea that you can get what you want (like luck, money, love, etc.) by repeating mantras and really believing that things will work out for you. The second part is easier to say than to do, but we’ll talk more about that in a minute.
Nicolle Merrilyne, an intuitive healer and spiritual mentor in Seattle, says that this practice is in the same spiritual family as manifestation, but it is a bit different. “This is about raising your vibration to a higher frequency or a more positive one,” she says. “When we move through life at a higher frequency, good things start to happen because we are more open to them.”
This trend is based on the idea that if you keep a positive attitude, good things will happen in your life. What you think becomes a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy.
Let’s say you have a big presentation at work, and all you can think is, “I’m going to mess this up,” in the days leading up to it. If you keep telling yourself that, you might start to find things that support this negative view of the world. Maybe you overslept and barely had time to get ready before you had to run out the door. When you get to work and turn on your computer, it immediately crashes. Then, since you didn’t get your usual morning latte, you try to drink a cup of coffee from the office to give you energy before your presentation, but you spill it all over your white shirt. Ugh.
What if, instead, you told yourself over and over, “I am so lucky. Everything always works out for me, even this presentation.” Things might have gone a different way. When you oversleep and miss your latte, you’re glad you got the extra sleep you needed and wonder why you ever thought you needed a caffeine boost to start the day. When you get to work and your computer is acting weird, you sigh (because you’re still a person), but you’re glad this problem didn’t happen during your big moment.
In this second case, you use the power of your mind to find the good in every situation. And at the very least, that sounds like a nicer way to live, right?
How Does Lucky Girl Syndrome Come Into Trends?
Newell and Merrilyne say that Lucky Girl Syndrome is a branch of the law of assumption. The law of assumption is a theory that New Age philosopher Neville Goddard came up with in the 1940s and 1950s. This theory says that if we think we already have something, we will get it in the end. If you think you’re lucky, you will be!
Newell says that there is some science to back up this theory, and it’s all about the reticular activating system (RAS), which is a network of neurons in the brain stem that make up your mind’s filtering system.
“Every day, we have a million ideas running through our heads, and RAS really helps us focus that energy,” says Newell. She gave the example of noticing one red car while driving and then seeing nothing but red cars for the rest of the trip.
“[With assumption theory], we turn on our RAS to try to find the best outcome. “It’s a change in point of view,” she says. This idea tells you to look for the good things that could happen instead of looking for all the bad things that could happen.
Even though this is easy to say, it can be hard to do. Both Newell and Merrilyne say that you can start to get “lucky girl vibes” by being thankful for what you have, whether it’s your phone, your home, or your best friend who you can always call when you feel like you’re going down a spiral.
Of course, this theory doesn’t change the fact that life is unpredictable and hard. Everyone has bad things happen to them, and you can’t stop that no matter how positive you are. The Lucky Girl Syndrome, on the other hand, makes you think that the glass is always half full.
Newell also says to start small. Instead of trying to win the Mega Millions jackpot, try to get a free lunch. Step by step!
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