“The Promised Neverland: Season 2” Release Date, Cast, and Plot

The Promised Neverland is a Japanese anime live-action, horror television series, based on the light novel series of the same name written by Kaiu Shirai and adapted by CloverWorks. The story centers around the three heroic characters Emma and her two companions Norman and Ray. The story shows that numerous children lived in an orphanage named Grace Field House, where their mother(caretaker) Isabel was taking good care of them. The Children were living happily till Emma, and her comrades came to know the darkest secret of the orphanage. It came to the knowledge of children that they had been raised in the orphanage to become the food of the demons. Season 1 was aired on 11 January 2019 and consists of 12 Episodes. Viewers received it well and desperately waiting for Season 2.

What Will We See in Season 2?

In season 1, we saw that the plan of Emma and her two friends Norman and Ray to escape from the orphanage became successful after being aware of the dark truth regarding evil spirits. At the season 1 finale, we saw that the children except for the young children managed to escape from the Orphan. Well, in season 2, we will have several questions waiting to be answered.

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What is waiting for the children outside the orphanage? Will they able to protect the rest of the Children? Who are those creatures Emma and Norman saw? Who wrote the Morse code message, which helped the orphans to escape? What will Isabel do after knowing that children have escaped?

What Will Be the Release Date of Season 2

Fans are eagerly waiting for the subsequent season of the promised neverland. Season 2 of the series was renewed back in 2019 and scheduled to be released in October 2020. However, given the situation of the global pandemic, the release date of the show is pushed forward to January 2021. Sadly the fans have to wait a little more. However, there is good news for the fans. The live-action movie based on the manga is also coming in December 2020 in Japan.

What Will Be the Cast of Season 2

Season 1 of the series had a great cast, and we may expect the same cast in season2. We will surely see-

Sumire Morohoshi as Emma

Yuko Kaido as Isabella

Mariya Ise as Ray

We may also meet Yuuko Mori as Lannion, Hiyori Kono as Phil, Shinei Ueki as Don, Lynn as Gilda, and Maaya Uchida as Norman.

The Controversy of The Promised Neverland Season 2

There is no controversy regarding the tv series. However, the cast of the live-action movie, which is going to release in December 2020 is a matter of Controversy. However, there is controversy regarding the caste of the movie-going to release in December 2020. Fans are angry over the casting of Watanabe as Sister Krone. Krone was portrayed as African-American in the original Manga, so a black actress should play the role of Krone, However, it is played by Watanabe. We have also heard amazon is going to remake an American live-action series with Rodney Rothman, co-director of the movie Spiderman: Into The Spider-Verse. based on the original Magna.

What is the IMDB rating of the Series?

The anime is quite popular among its viewers and has a great rating of 8.4 out of 10. The anime series has won several prestigious awards. It has won “Best Fantasy” at Crunchyroll Anime Awards, and t Isabella, Caretaker of Grace field House has won the “Best Antagonist” category.

Is There Any Trailer for Season 2

The trailer has not been released yet. However, the teaser of the show is released. We will keep you posted about the trailer. Here is the teaser-

Famous Dialogues

Some of the heart touching inspirational dialogues from the series are given below-

1. “We’re Family That Grew Up Together. Even If That Person Gets In The Way, Betrays Us, Or Says I’m Naive, I Want To Believe In That Person!”

2. “Even If It’s Impossible, I Want To Escape With Everyone… I Don’t Want All Of Us To Die. But There’s No Option To Leave Them Behind.”- Emma

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3. “Is This Place A Farm? Are We All… Food? No, It Can’t Be… That Girl Wasn’t Conny, Right?”-Emma

4. “You’re Coming With Us. You Have To Be With Us, Or Else!”

5. “I’m Going To Return To Grace Field Within The Next Two Years. We’re Going To Save The Rest Of Our Family That We Left Behind…”

Frequently Asked Question

1. Is Norman Alive?

In season 1, we saw that Norman sacrificed his life to ensure that their plan to escape will not revel. However, is really dead? Well, we last saw the character entered the room with an astonished expression on his face’ We have not seen any dead body, so we may expect that he is alive, and we will meet him in the next season.

2. How did Connie die in the promised Neverland?

Connie was one of the orphanage children, and Isabel represented that a family adopted him. Nevertheless, he was offered to evil spirits, and his death revealed the dark secrete of the orphanage.

3. Who is Ray’s father?

Ray was the biological son of Isabel revealed in episode 12 of Season 1. He was born out with artificial insemination. However, his father is not revealed yet.

Final verdict

The Promised Neverland is a must-watch for all anime lovers. It has a great fan following since its debut in 2019. It has a unique plot and eye-catching visuals. In addition to the above, it also has interesting characters. It is full of lots of twists and turns and eye-catching views. Season 1 ended on a cliffhanger, which is the assurance of promising season 2. You can watch it on Netflix.