The Nice Guys 2: When May We Expect a Sequel to the 2016 Comedy?

Who doesn’t love comedy movies? Of course, everyone does. Whenever we are stressed we go out to looking fun. So, if you are someone who also loves comedy and funny movies just like us then you might have seen The nice guys. The movie, The nice guys were released in 2016 and are full of comedy.

So, in this essay, we will discuss its sequel, The Nice Guy 2. Stay with us to the finish of this post if you are intrigued and want to know every single detail about its second section.

The Nice Guys

The Nice guys is an American oriented action and comedy film. In the year 2016, the film was released. The Nice guys are directed by a well know Director named Shane Black. Additionally, the writer of the movie is Black and Anthony Bagarozzi. The story focuses on two characters’ names, a private eye (Gosling) and a tough enforcer (Crowe).

They both team up to investigate the disappearance of a teenage girl. The Nice Guys 2 is going to happen? If you have already watched the first movie and wondering about the second part of it that it is not confirmed. Yes, the movie is not greenlit by the filmmaker and we still don’t know whether there will be a second part of it.

But fans are suspecting that there might be a sequel because the 1 movie has a lot of unsolved mysteries which is needed to be solved. We can’t confirm with you right now but we will notify you as soon as possible,

What is the Release Date of The Nice Guys 2?

The Nice Guys

The Nice Guys debuted on May 15, 2016. It’s been four years since the first instalment was released. With so many unresolved riddles, people feel there may be two pieces to it. There are rumours that the film will be released in 2021, however as previously said, there is no official confirmation. As a result, we are powerless to intervene.

What is the Plot of The nice guys 2?

The storyline of the Nice guys follows Holland March and Jackson Healy. The movie is set in 1977 in the streets of Los Angeles. Holland is a private detective who joins Jackson to investigate the sudden disappearance of a teenage girl. While solving the investigation they come to know about many dark secrets of the government which raises the stake of the cases.

In the second part, there are a lot of things which can be put together. Although in the first part our main heroes uncover the truth and make the culprits, Kuttner stands behind the bars. During the ending of the show they both team up and decides to work together and solve the other unsolved cases.

The Nice Guys

In the sequel, we can accept Kuttner to come back and take his revenge back. In the first part, we don’t see any villain so she might become a crazy villain which will add extra spice to the movie. Additionally, another possibility regarding the second part will be Jackson Healy.

As we are aware of the fact that his marriage ends up on bad terms. As he is a fan favourite character because of his sarcasm, we can accept a new romantic relationship with him. If you heard any rumours regarding ‘The Nice Guys let us know in the comment section. Moreover, share this article with your fans who are great fans of The Nice guy and eagerly waiting for its second part of a release.

What Is the Famous Dialogue of The Nice Guys?

We have listed some of the popular famous dialogue from The nice guy. Feel free to read and enjoy it.

• “You know who else was just following orders? Adolf Hitler.”

• Holland March: Everybody, just back up! Jesus Christ!

Janet: [stunned] You took the Lord’s name in vain.

Holland March: No I didn’t, Janet. I actually found it very useful.”

• I’m not in the yellow pages. If you got into trouble with someone, you might ask around for me. I’m Jackson Healy.

• Holland March: Look on the bright side. Nobody got hurt.

Jackson Healy: People got hurt.

Holland March: I’m saying, I think they died quickly. So I don’t think they got hurt.

• Jackson Healy: Didn’t I tell you to go up to the roof? What are you doing down here? Did you fall?

Holland March: I think I’m invincible! I don’t think I can die!”

• So you’re telling me you made a porno where the plot is the point?

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Unpopular opinion regarding the Nice guys

If you are someone who always checks out the feedback of the people before watching any movie then Don’t worry. We have provided you with the feedback of people (not fans) so you can have a broader knowledge about the movie.

Who thinks the movie is Okay

Akash Kumar

“To be honest, The Nice Guys is a really enjoyable action-comedy. Though it’s not a classic in its genre it has some style and good execution with nice performances and writing. The thing that bothers me is the story that is at its heart, which feels ridiculous and sloppy, but overall it’s really entertaining and worth a watch.”

The one who doesn’t like it

Anamarija Ferrari

“The money invested in this movie could have been used in million better ways than this shallow meaningless movie. If anyone can prove me wrong, please do! The only thing good about this movie was the luxury 70s scenography and music.

Apart from that, there is nothing else you can “carry home” unless you are into the unmotivating message that when you play against the politics and government, you can never win.”

The one who loves it

Alec Capurso

“The nineties have never been so endearing. In this crime comedy, two mismatched investigators look into a simple missing girl case. But, it turns into something more sinister when the death toll starts to build up.

Now, the two must put their heads together in order to outthink the bad guys and get paid while doing it. Crime comedies are a rare thing these days. But, this film shows not only that crime can be hilarious, but can also be made in a forgotten timeline as well.”

Frequently Asked Questions –

1. Is the nice guys a true story?

This movie is completely and 200% fictional. This movie is just fictional and moreover, Haley, and March’s life and story are not based on real people.

2. Why did the nice guys flop?

Although the movie was Nice it flops because of the marketing strategy and the poor release date. No matter how good your movie is if there is no one in the theatre to see it then the movie is not worth it.

3. Does Netflix have nice guys?

If you want to watch the movie Nice guy you can watch it on Netflix.