The Draw Destiny 2: Know Everything About This Longest Quest!

Do you want to know how to get the last word of the drifter which is the hardest one? Can anyone play the game who has never played it before the first Destiny? Which one is the best hand cannon of yours?
As Last Word is the automatic fire cannon which is a short to medium term range and it is the fan favourite gun in Destiny’s Crucible.
Do you also think that the Draw is the lengthy Quest in the game? If yes, then you are right. It is the longest quest in Destiny 2 and it requires PvP to earn and grind will take longer if you perform the worst.
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The Draw Full Quest Guide
You Have to Do All This to Take Last Quest-
Tainted Artifact
The first step you have to do is to meet the Drifter and talks to him and he will provide you an artifact that will help you to kill some Hives and before killing Hive you have to cleansing the Artifact.
The Cleansing
As it is stated above before killing hives you have to clean artifact and for cleaning it you need some items like solar kills which acts against Hives and kills them.
Going to Mars and some Escalation Protocol is the simplest way and then collect a solar subclass, a solar energy weapon and a solar heavy.
It will not take you more than 20 minutes to kill and finish the bosses, and you have play the Escalation Protocol until you complete the quest and makes yourself quicker to kill Hives.
A Cleansed Artifact
You have to go back to the drifter to take the next step of the quest and he also checks up on his investment.
The Temptation
Most of the players easily achieve this section and you have to kill more and more until you die in the game. It grants one percent when kill and assist and vice versa and even there is also an increase in the streak percentage.
Keep the game going on and play safe. Use a pulse rifle for fighting and stay backward to abstain from the gunshot.
Another option for you is to play Mayhem if it is active and unload supers.
The Damnation
Move forward to Titan after killing Crucible and take some serious Hive Enemies from the Titan.
You have to take out special Hive Acolyte which is possible when you are taken to Cargo Bay 3 Lost Sector by your mission.
Your work here is to kill the wizards, attack the boss as they boss has shield and his guards are protecting him, so repeat the action until their shield comes back.
Again after clearing the way you have to go back to the Drifter.
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A New Jagged Purpose
You have to take the pierced helmet and get back to the Drifter and chat with him so he will send you to the longer quest.
Sullied Light
You have to stop the hive weapon master who is making new Weapons of Sorrow, by collecting objects which are powerful and to tarnish the lights and rituals by completing it.
From the Lost Sector, you have to gather Etched Crystals and in the crucible you can earn multiple “Best Served Cold” and “Blood for blood” medals.
You have to do these things-
- For collection of Larvae you have to defeat Hive with precious damage.
- You have to sacrifice hive bosses which is sent in witches’ rituals.
- If you don’t love PvP in Destiny 2 then, this time things get more tougher and bitter for you and you will need to earn many medals in PvP.
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Sorrows Road
After completing your task you have to step back to The Drifter and he will lead you to hunt Enkaar in the last quest.
The Conversation
Now you have to make your mission start in Tangled Shore and stay and once you started stay behind a s Suppressed Light perk is on and for remaining healthy you have to pick up wells from the harmless enemies.
Kill all the enemies and after that kill the big Ogre also and take the worm to the blocked door and move fast so that it will not explode.
By taking crystals, they move to the big room and there kill 3 of the Wizards and for blinding their Jotunn helps you a lot as it works seriously on their shields and when they are all dead, destroy crystal also.
You have to jump down from the hole and have to stand on the plate until it charge and then you see Draw and the grab the last word with it and use it to shoot the gun which the Hive’s use. It makes the way for you to move forward and teleport away.
So many things you have to do in between and in last you will able to defeat Enkaar and take the last word for yourself.
The Darker Path
Go to the drifter to show off the last Word and he will reprove you playfully and also pass some lore for the weapon which you have earned.
Last Lines
I hope you will be able to play the game and took the Last Word from Enkaar and make your name on the Last Word. It you also want to ask something else in the game or any step you can’t understand, feel comfortable to write in the comment box and we will answer your questions as soon as possible.