Psoriasis on Eyelids: Causes and Prevention

Psoriasis on Eyelids OR Eyelid psoriasis (pronounced “Suh-RYE-uh-sis”) is a non-contagious auto-immune skin condition that causes the body’s skin cells to overproduce, resulting in inflammation and thick, scaly patches around the eye area, which can make the eyes swollen and irritated.
There is no known cause of this psoriasis on eyelids, but genetics and immune system dysfunction are vital. In addition to medications, various coping strategies and lifestyle choices can aid in symptom management.
Managing Psoriasis On Eyelid
It surely might not be the first thing that strikes your mind when you hear the word “psoriasis,” you can find signs of skin condition on your eyelids.
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disorder that affects more than eight million people in the United States. It occurs when your immune system goes into overdrive and increases the production of skin cells.
Is Psoriasis On Eyelids Curable
According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, psoriasis is an immune-mediated condition that affects more than 8 million people in the United States and 125 million worldwide (NPF). It manifests as reddish patches of skin with painful silvery scales that burn and itch.
When the immune system is out of balance, extra skin cells get produced faster than usual. In some cases, this causes the skin to thicken and become scaly (or develop plaques). Skin cells regenerate once a month on average, but this process occurs every three to four days with psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a common, long-lasting skin condition. It is not a curable disease, but it can be treated. Psoriasis on eyelids or any other body develops when your body’s skin cells multiply too quickly due to rapid cell production. It may also result in thick and scaly patches on various parts of the body. This can include the delicate skin around both the eyes in rare cases.
Psoriasis around the eyes is treatable, but it requires special care from your doctor. This sensitive area’s tissues are delicate and easily scarred. Closely monitored treatments are beneficial to avoid upsetting the skin and exacerbating the condition.
Symptoms of Eyelid Psoriasis
Psoriasis can cause eye dryness, inflammation, discomfort, and possibly vision loss in the few cases where it affects the eye area. When skin patches accumulate to a large enough size, it can cause difficulty opening and closing the eyes.
Other signs of eyelid psoriasis include:-
- In the affected area, there are scaly, red growths.
- Skin that is dry and cracked and may bleed.
- Inflammation of the eyelids, which can cause eyelashes to rub against the eye.
- Scales that resemble dandruff and adhere to the eyelashes.
- Scales pulling the eyelid outward cause eye dryness.
- When moving, opening, or closing the eyelids, there is pain.
Treatment of Psoriasis of Eyelids
When developing a treatment plan for eyelid psoriasis, it is critical to consult with a dermatologist and an eye doctor, as conditions that affect the sensitive areas on the face and around the eyes must be handled with care.
The following methods can help you treat eyelid psoriasis:
- Topical steroids, such as Retinoids, Corticosteroids, and Calcineurin inhibitors, can aid in the reduction of inflammation and the slowing of excessive skin cell reproduction.
- Non-steroid topical such as Anthralin, synthetic vit D3, and vit A can be used to control psoriasis plaques.
- Oral medications. Secukinumab (Cosentyx) or Apremilast (Otezla) can help clear up lesions around the eyes
- Over-the-counter topical can provide relief and aid in the removal of itchy scales. Salicylic acid, coal tar, bath solutions, shampoos, lotions, aloe Vera, and jojoba are all options.
- Wet dressings, for example, can relieve itching by wrapping the affected area in a wet bandage.
- Phototherapy (light therapy) uses a particular machine that emits ultraviolet light onto the skin to help reduce itching and inflammation.
Seeking Medical Assistance
There is a treatment for psoriasis around the eyes. Work with your doctor to develop a treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms. Some medicines may reduce the likelihood of developing new plaques in the future.
If your body no longer responds to the treatments you’ve been using, your doctor may need to modify your treatment. If this happens, make sure to stick to your new treatment plan. The treatment modifications may assist you in continuing to reduce your episodes of bothersome and painful psoriasis.