Open Your Eyes Season 2 Release Date: When Will Season 2 Be Available?

Netflix is one of the best ways to have fun because of the different kinds of movies and TV shows it has. Yes, so! Open Your Eyes is the name of Netflix’s new mysterious Supernatural drama TV show. If you want to watch the TV show Supernatural, you should watch Open Your Eyes.

Open Your Eyes is a Polish TV show that was made by Anna Jadowska and Adrian Panek. The TV show Open Your Eyes is based on the book Druga Szansa, which was written by Katarzyna Berenika Miszczuk. Kasper Bajon, Klara Kochanska, Milena Dutkowska, and Igor Brejdygant write the script for the TV show.

The open your eyes series is made by Marcin Kurek and Cyprian Marchewka. The company that makes the series is called Mediabrigade. The Polish Film Art Institute. This supernatural mystery and thriller show has a total of six episodes, which make up a season.

About 50 minutes is how long each episode lasts. Open Your Eyes is an original Netflix show that started on August 25, 2021. All of Open Your Eyes’ new episodes came out on the same day. IMDb, on the other hand, gave Open Your Eyes a score of 6.1 out of 10.

Open Your Eyes was first shown in India, Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia, Sweden, and a lot of other places besides Poland.

Open Your Eyes Season 2 Release Date

The Netflix show Open Your Eyes is kind of a boom for the Polish entertainment business. A large number of people also watched the Open Your Eyes series. We already knew that the first season of the Open Your Eyes TV show started on August 25, 2016, on Netflix.

Open Your Eyes Season 2 Release Date


This Polish series only has six episodes, which is why fans of the Open Your Eyes series are eager to find out when it will start. So, it’s too bad that the release date of the Open Your Eyes series hasn’t been set yet, since the creators of this series haven’t renewed it until now.

People haven’t heard anything from Netflix or the people who made the show. But based on how popular this Polish show is, we can expect season 2 to start on Netflix very soon in 2023.


Who Will Be in the Cast of Open Your Eyes Season 2?

Most likely, the original main cast will be back for season 2 of Open Your Eyes. Maria Wawreniuk will play Julia, Ignacy Liss will play Adam, Marta Nieradkiewicz will play Dr. Zofia Morulska, and Marcin Czarnik will play Piotr.

  • Michal Sikorski is playing Pawel
  • Zuzanna Galewicz is playing Milena
  • Wojciech Dolatowski is playing Szymon
  • Klaudia Koscista is playing Iza
  • Martyna Nowakowska is playing Anielka
  • Sara Celler-Jezierska is playing Magda

What Will Happen in Open Your Eyes Season 2?

The last episode of Season 1 showed that Julia’s real name is Carolina. She was in a car accident, and she is now getting better. After that, she didn’t wake up for two weeks. Julia finds that she can’t play the piano when she wakes up from her coma. She realizes that her talents have been taken from her and given to Adam (Ignacy Liss).

Open Your Eyes Season 2

Karolina will come back to Second Chance after the season is over to help her friends one last time. In the second season, we might find out more about how talents are passed from one person to another. Also, the dummy that is hidden under the factory could show what its real purpose is. Adam’s real name was Xavier.

This might be something Piotr already knows. What did his father do for a living? ready to come back and try again to make things right. With Dr Zofia on her side, Karolina might face a new enemy in the next season.


Is there any Trailer for Open Your Eyes Season 2?

On July 28, 2021, there was a sneak peek of the first episode of the TV show Open Your Eyes.  The second sneak peeks for the first season of Open Your Eyes came out on YouTube on August 16, 2021. We haven’t heard about a season 2 teaser yet, so we’ll have to wait a little longer. Open Your Eyes, a Polish TV show, is on Netflix.



Netflix hasn’t said when Season Two of “Open Your Eyes” will be out. Even though it’s possible that Netflix will follow the example of Netflix Poland and put out new episodes whenever they’re ready, Netflix has been putting out new episodes in groups every week or two.

Variety says that Netflix hasn’t said anything new about when the second season will come out, other than what was already said about it coming out later this year. If Netflix decides to keep the show going soon, the second season of Open Your Eyes could come out as early as 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will There Be a Season 2 Open Your Eyes?

The second sneak peeks for the first season of Open Your Eyes came out on YouTube on August 16, 2021. We have to wait a little longer for the season 2 teaser because the show hasn’t been renewed yet. Open Your Eyes is a Polish TV show that you can watch on Netflix.

How to Watch Open Your Eyes Season 2

While we don’t know the official release date for season 2 yet, we do know that it will be available to watch on Netflix. Fans can expect to be able to stream the new season from the comfort of their home.