Mountain Monsters Season 7: Confirmed Release Date, Trailer & Everything We Know in 2022!

Updated On 2 February 2022

American popular reality television shows Mountain Monsters is back with season 7 which started airing on January 10, 2021 and this series runs initially from June 2013 till the present day.

It has been 8 years and the show is on its way to move forward and runs on Discovery+ from 2021.There are 7 seasons with a total of 69 episodes. Colt Straub and Duke Straub are the executive producers of this series along with 3 other persons.

The series follows a band of six natives of West Virginia who are the team members of Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (A.I.M.S) who are roaming in Appalachian Mountain for their research and track unidentified creatures as they are the hunters and trappers of these Bigfoot creatures and other unidentified ones.

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First Five seasons of Mountain Monsters aired on Destination America before moving to Travel Channel. When Season 7 aired it was announced that the show moved to Discovery+ and new episodes are streaming on this Discovery+ platform.

What is About The Mountain Monsters Season?

Mountain Monsters Season 7

The series is about the band of 6 persons in the A.I.M.S team who are the hunters and researchers of West Virginia and their objective is to prove the existence of unidentified and mysterious creatures like Werewolf, Bigfoot, Hellhound and Lizard Man.

Beginning of the Mountain Monster Starts with the talks of the team members on the specific creature where it was spotted and they were on the way to the location and the season continues till the 7th one with many episodes in it.


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However, the creature is sometimes caught on camera such as the Cave Creature and the team also placed some of the trail cameras to capture images of the unidentified creature as evidence to claim what it is.

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Release Date of Mountain Monster Seasons 7

Season 7 of this Mountain Monster began to air from January 10, 2021 after giving a special tribute to Trapper in a special episode which aired on January 3, 2021. There are 8 episodes in this season and the last episode will air on August 8, 2021 which is The Den of the Smoke Wolves.

Who are the Team Members or Cast of Mountain Monster?

Mountain Monsters Season 7

  • Jacob “Buck” Lowe, he is the Expert caller formerly called Rookie.
  • Joseph “Huckleberry” Lott, Security of the Mountain Monsters.
  • Jeff Headlee, Researcher
  • Willy McQuillian, Trap builder
  • William “Wild Bill” Neff, Expert tracker.
  • And even John “Trapper” Tice who was the team leader but died in December 2019 due to health issues.

Mountain Monster Season 7 Episodes

Teams from West Virginia are roaming in the Appalachian Mountains to investigate mysterious creatures’ sights. Here is the episode list of season 7 with their titles and release date-

  1. The Wolves of West Virginia which released on January 10, 2021.
  2. K-9 Tracks by the Grave released on June 27, 2021.
  3. The Red Eyed Beast released on July 4, 2021.
  4. The Great Skull Wall released on July 11, 2021.
  5. What’s a Smoke Wolf? will be released on July 18, 2021.
  6. The Coyote Killing Massacre will be released on July 25, 2021.
  7. Day of Wrath will be released on August 1, 2021.
  8. The Den of the Smoke Wolves on August 8, 2021.

Where to Watch Mountain Monster Season 7

Mountain Monsters Season 7

You can stream Mountain Monster Season 7 on-

  • Amazon Prime Video
  • Vudu
  • TV Guide
  • Microsoft Store
  • Youtube TV Free Trial
  • Google Play Movies and TV

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Ratings and Reviews of Mountain Season 7

There are 5.1 overall ratings of Mountain Series on IMDb and episode 1 of season 6 that is “The Dark Forest Revealed” and Episode 7 “The Three Rings of the Road” Season 7 are the top rated episodes of Mountain Series which receives 9.7 and 9.4 ratings respectively on IMDB.

Some user reviews on IMDB about the series are Great entertainment shows and one of the users loves these guys, men in the dark trying to trap monsters, and watch and enjoy the show.

Last Lines

Mountain Season 7 is a Tv series which has already aired a few episodes and some episodes are going to be aired soonly.

Now presently, we need to end this post, if you want to know more about the web series and other information related to it then visit our website