Mascara Trend on TikTok- Why TikTokers Are Doing Anti-Mascara Makeup?

In order to get over TikTok’s censorship restrictions, people have been using the phrase to discuss relationships.

There are presently 39.2 million views on TikTok for the #MascaraTrend, which is typically set to Duster’s song “Constellations.” It’s obviously a “thing,” so what the hell is it all about? That would be intimate interactions, dating, and sex. Yep! Really, it’s so arbitrary, but also, isn’t it?

As the secret code developed, it became more sinister and put actress Julia Fox in some difficulty. But what exactly is it about?

What Exactly Does “Mascara” on TikTok Mean?

The #MascaraTrend is essentially a coded means for individuals to discuss their previous and ongoing sexual relationships, including how successful or unsuccessful they were as well as, well, how the sex went.

One TikToker, for instance, posted: “I once used a mascara that I really liked, but it ended up seriously harming my eyelashes, so now I’m afraid to try any other mascaras for fear of doing more harm to my eyelashes.

Mascara trend on TikTok

The trend is frequently used to talk about being content in your “ship,” as one user (jokingly? )stated, “My favourite mascara couldn’t keep its wand in its tube.”

According to one poster, “I’ve used mascara since I was 14 years old. I’m now 24. The only mascara I’ve ever used, but I’m confident that there is no other product like it. Because I loved it so much, I even created a tiny version.

How Did #MascaraTrend Begin?

The mascara craze started out as being very healthy. Users talked about their positive and negative experiences with partners in videos they posted, mainly set to the song Constellations by Duster.

One claimed that there is “nothing like this one anywhere else” and that they have had their mascara since they were 14 years old.
Mascara trend on TikTok

Others weren’t as fortunate in love. After their mascara “made my lashes absolutely break apart,” another stated they weren’t sure if they would “ever trust any other mascara.”

How It’s Going?

It soon became more sexual, as with so many trends. Mascara and the mascara wand quickly evolved into abbreviations for particular body parts. Some even talked about the length of their mascara’s wear time or the size of their wands.

Later conversations of sexual assault and trauma appeared, but they were presented in a way that only those “in the know” could comprehend. Many people expressed their displeasure that it was somewhat perplexing.

When she responded to a video that employed this alternate interpretation last week, actress and model Julia Fox found herself in hot water due to this misunderstanding.

The user complained that someone had tested his mascara “without my consent.” I don’t know why, but I don’t feel bad for you, lol, Julia retorted. Others immediately criticised her for the remark.

When she realised her error, she apologised and claimed she had mistakenly believed they were discussing makeup.