Joker is Coming Up With A Sequel?

And the Oscar for the Best actor jokes to JOAQUIN PHOENIX! And while listening to these super-pleasing words every joker fan get goosebumps. I mean why not, He deserves it. His amazing work in the Joker movie is well appreciable but this is what we can expect from a great actor and a great movie.
Do you know which Movie am I referring to? If you haven’t guess till yet then I feel sorry for you. An amazing, well-scripted and well-presentable movie, Joker is a masterpiece in itself.
We all know that the movie was a great hit. But there is something which you probably don’t aware of that Joker is coming up with a sequel.
Wait, Wait, Wait
This might be a joke! If you wanna know whether it’s true or not then stay till the end of this article. I know you will do this for your favorite movie.
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Joker – Know little more about it
Joker is American movie which based on the DC comic. The Director and producer of the movie is Todd Phillips. And not to forget that he along with Scott Silver co-wrote the screenplay. I mean what a genius guy he is!
The movie hit into the cinemas on 2 October, 2019 and the movie have earned over 600 Million plus dollar. But it is recently known that the movie have made over $1 billion, which is a great achievement. The movie revolves around our main protagonist Joker, who is suffering from psychological problems. Despite of him being a nice guy, the society turns him into a criminal.
The best part about this movie which I personally love is that it clearly shows the condition of our world. The movie beautifully reflects the way people behave towards other, the problems in the society and many other problems.
Now it’s been more than 1 year, will there be any sequel of Joker or not? Read the next section to know everything about it.
Joker – Is there any talk regarding the Sequel ?
The joker ends in a cliffhanger and there might be more story afterwards. It is totally upto the filmmakers whether they want to make a sequel or not.
Moreover, the Todd Phillips have already stated in many interviews that they are not planning to make any sequel of Joker at all. He said, “we have no plan for a sequel”. He explains that they have never thought the movie to be a sequel and said that Joker is “pitched it as one movie”.
Not only this but he also said that he is frustrated and annoyed with frequently asked questions about the Sequel of Joker.
Now, a fool will not take this opportunity. I mean they have great storyline and how can we forget the Profit which this movie make! Like how think, there are many people who thought the same when they heard of the statement of Todd.
So, they have done it. The filmmakers have finally understood how foolish they were by cancelling the sequel. Now, There is a Official news that a sequel of Joker is in Development.
Joker Sequel – When it is going to release ?
Though it is clear that the movie is in development we don’t know when it is going to release. The DC universe have already The Batman coming up in 2022 Maybe we can see the movie before it. But it is just an assumption that we have made because the movie also tells the story of Bruce Wayne AKA our Batman so maybe we can see the movie before the actual release of The Batman or might be later.
Moreover, if the movie releases before the release of The Batman it will make certain effects into the Batman movie. Because there are certain things which are unclear in the first part of the movie, Joker. The cliffhanger will make some sense in the Batman movie.
So, you can see it is still a confusion whether the movie will release before the Batman or after it and it can make clear after the official announcement. If there will be any news regarding the release date We’ll update you about the news as soon as possible. And for that you have to keep checking our website.
Joker Sequel – Where is the Trailer ?
There is no official trailer for the sequel of Joker. The Producers have released nothing till yet. As I stated above that the Sequel is in development but how much does it completed, we don’t know! But as we love our readers and doesn’t want to let them Go we have a trailer, a fan made trailer, whuch by the way seems so real. Watch it down and take the feels.
Joker Sequel
– Will Joaquin Phoenix going to cast as Joker?
“I think I felt better when I was locked up in the hospital.”
The fans might not be the happiest after knowing that Joaquin phoenix is not going to cast in the sequel of Joker. We know that whenever we heard the word Joker, the first and only picture which comes into our mind is of Joaquin Phoenix.
Moreover, the actor have won the Oscar award in the 2020 as the best actor for the Joker movie so it would be quite stupid to not choose him. That’s why we know if there will be Joker sequel Joaquim Phoenix will be there too.
There are a lot of things which will solve in the upcoming movie of The Batman and the Joker’s sequel. A completely out of topic thing to note here that The Batman is going to release in 2022, in which the Handsome actor from the famous movie Twilight is going to cast. Yes, Robert Pattinson is coming all the way to act as The Batman and people are happy from now on.
Joker Sequel – What can we expect with the story?
The movie is completely revolves around Arthur who is a clown and works as Joker. The story is written in such a way that viewers might get confused which is a true incident and which one is Arthur’s imagination. The movie starts with him doing make-up and turning himself into a Joker. Then we will see Arthur as standing while handing a sign board. He was actually advertising the company.
Arthur, who was doing his job, met with some guys who teases him and run away with the board. In order to take back the board, the boys beat him up. His boss, in place of sympathy scold him back. Bad things happen as you go ahead of the story.
The story end in a serious note where Arthur was in the mental asylum and one of his supporter have killed Thomas and Martha Wayne. Now, we have to see what will happen in the upcoming story and why the hell he was laughing?
The first part was left some of the cliffhanger which are needed to be solved. We hope the sequel of Joker might clear our all doubts. In the second part, we might see Batman or not.
We know that the Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne are actually the father of the Batman and when they killed that’s how the another DC superhero came to existence.
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Joker Sequel – What Message does it Convey?
“I mean, don’t you have to be funny to be a comedian?”
The reason why Joker why Joker become so hit all over the world is because the reason of it’s Message. The movie beautifully reflects the present society of our country. We, human have already divided people into two categories. One being the Richy-rich people and other are poor and the world is controlled by the rich people.
Moreover, we know that Arthur/Joker is suffering from a psychological diseases pseudobulbar. Any person suffering from that problem laughs and cry without any reason. And the worst part about it that no-one treats him equally.
The Joker dialogue that make complete sense for the people, “The worst part of having a mental illness is people expect you to behave as if you don’t.”
Now like the first part the second part going to be come up with some amazing thoughts and moral value which is lacking in the people.
The movie also satire on the government how they are destroying a country and blaming it to others (In the movie the government blame to the rats, funny right?)
Joker Sequel – Famous Dialogue
- I used to think that my life was a tragedy, but now I realize, it’s a comedy
- My mother always tells me to smile and put on a happy face. She told me I had a purpose: to bring laughter and joy to the world.
- You’re the only one that’s ever been nice to me.
- All I have are negative thoughts.
- I thought it was going to bother me, but it really hasn’t.
- I just don’t want to feel so bad anymore.
- When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Joker?
- What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society abandons him and treats him like trash? You get what you fuckin’ deserve!
- Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?
- Have you seen what it’s like out there, Murray? Everybody just yells and screams at each other. Nobody’s civil anymore! Nobody thinks what it’s like to be the other guy.
- For my whole life, I didn’t know if I even really existed. But I do, and people are starting to notice.
What are the Ratings of the show?
The acting and directions of the movie is great. However, the ratings of the show is quite average. The show have 68% of rotten tomatoes and the IMDb rating of the show are 8.5/10.
Furthermore, the Audience rating summary of the show is 4.5. And the best thing about the show that the fan base of this show is great because more than 20K people rated this movie.
What are the reviews of this movie?
The movie received well from the critics and gain a lot of praises all around. The feedback of the movie is great and if you’re interested in looking it, We have mentioned it down.
Moreover, it will help you to have a better eye regarding the show.
Gabriel Jonathan
Flawless film in every way! This movie instantly made its way up to my top 10 favorite movies of all time!! From beginning to end I was mesmerized and almost didn’t want to blink or look away and in fact at times I forgot it was just a movie and parts of it felt so real and relevant to. I believe Joaquin Phoenix was always meant for this role considering his personal life and all that he has went through. He nailed this performance in every way and now has even shared in interviews that he loves his character and can do it forever ❤️
Amiel Cox
An absolutely gorgeous movie! It allows you to experience what happens inside the personal life of someone struggling with a mental illness, and it also shows you the damage one person can do just by one singular action, without even thinking about the consequences of both themselves or the person they’ve afflicted.
I love how Joaquin Phoenix made his acting role of this film so vividly real and he did it so beautifully, it made me cry while I was watching this in the cinema.
Tejas madhukar
The depiction of joker in this movie by Joaquin Phoenix is just so amazing. He is able to put so much emotions into that character that it doesn’t even feel like I was actually watching a movie the whole time. He is able to express many different emotions in one single scene with absolute perfection. This depicts the transition of Arthur Fleck to the Joker in such perfect way that you can feel just by looking at him that how much pain and suffering he is going through.
The sequel of Joker is in Development but we don’t know when we’re going to see the movie. The sequel movie have no official date announced yet. The first movie, Joker, gain a lot of praises and gain a lot of profit in the box office. Recently, the movie gain over $1 Billion worldwide and with so much money we can atleast expect the sequel.
If there will be any more news regarding the movie we’ll update you. Till then keep checking our website 🙃