Is the ’12-3-30′ Treadmill Routine That Got Popularity on TikTok a Good Workout?

If you went to a gym recently and saw someone walking steadily on a treadmill with a very steep incline, they might be doing a workout that is going viral.

Over the last two years, TikTok users have watched billions of times different versions of the 12-3-30 workout.

The 12-3-30 includes a hard cardio session that its creator and users say helps people lose weight, improve their heart health, and build muscle. Brittany Simon, the owner of ReckFit Total Body Fitness in Scottsdale, Arizona, and a certified personal trainer with the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), says that the workout may improve cardiovascular health and get rid of extra body fat.

Read on to find out what the 12-3-30 workout is, what other benefits and risks it might have, and if this fitness trend might be right for you.

How Has the 12-3-30 Workout Gotten a Lot of Attention?

Since health and beauty influencer Lauren Giraldo posted a video of the 12-3-30 workout on YouTube in 2019, it has been talked about on a number of social media sites.

Lauren Giraldo, a popular person on social media, came up with the “12-3-30” workout, which consists of walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes at a 3 mph pace and a 12% incline.

In 2019, Giraldo posted a video on YouTube about her health routine that included a low-impact cardio workout.


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She told “Good Morning America” that she figured out the formula by “trial and error” while trying to find a workout that was both motivating and doable.

“I was having a hard time, and the gym was always a scary place for me. I wanted to find out what worked for me and made me want to stick with it “she told me. “Because of this, I was able to play around with the treadmill’s settings and found that the 12-3-30 combination was hard but fun.”

Giraldo said this about how she works out: “I think it’s important that when you make a routine, it makes the most sense for you. I don’t like rules because everyone is different.”

Giraldo talked about the routine again in 2020, this time in a video on Instagram and TikTok. She said that it had helped her lose 30 pounds. Just on TikTok, that video got more than 2 million likes, which made her 12-3-30 workout a huge hit.

More than 81 million people have watched videos with the hashtag #12330 on TikTok, and the workout is mentioned in thousands of posts on Instagram.

Giraldo said, “We have built a beautiful group of people who feel inspired.” “It’s less about the workout itself and more about how it makes us feel.”

Giraldo also said that she thinks the workout’s popularity has to do with how easy it is to do.

“I think we’re always told ‘you need to spend one hour in the gym to see results’ or ‘you need to go X times a week to see results,’ but I think the world is hard enough,” she said. “All we want is some time alone, and for me, that was 30 minutes on the treadmill.”

All About 12-3-30 Workout

Simon says that the 12-3-30 workout is a tough cardio workout with the low impact that focuses on your glutes, hamstrings, low back, and calf muscles. It needs a treadmill that can go at least 3 miles per hour and has an incline of 12.

Start the workout by walking at a slow pace for five to ten minutes on a small incline of less than three. Next, people walk for 30 minutes at a speed of 3 miles per hour. If you want to get the most out of your workout, try not to hold onto the handrails.

12-3-30 Treadmill Routine

Doing so can change your posture and make you use less energy, which means you might not get the full benefits of the exercise. Melissa Prestipino, a doctor of physical therapy and owner of Maize and Blue Rehab in Sparta, New Jersey, says that the 12-3-30 workout is good for people of all ages and fitness levels, as long as they don’t have health problems like heart or joint problems.

“The workout is especially good for people who sit at a desk all day because it gets them moving more every day.”

People with back problems like spinal stenosis, which puts pressure on the spinal vertebrae and nerves, and vascular problems like vascular claudication, which happens when there isn’t enough blood flow to the legs (like in peripheral arterial disease), should not do this workout if it hurts to go uphill. If you have any of these conditions and aren’t sure if 12-3-30 is right for you, talk to a doctor.

Unlike some other fitness trends that are popular on social media, like the 75 Hard Challenge, the 12-3-30 workout is clear and easy to follow. This has led a lot of people to share their weight loss success stories on TikTok and other social media platforms.

One person posted a video on YouTube about how the 12-3-30 workout helped them lose 15 pounds after three months of doing it two to five times a week.

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