Indian Predator: The Diary of a Serial Killer on Netflix Review and Trailer!

Documentaries were not popular as a form of entertainment for the general public a decade ago. Netflix unlocked the secret and turned it into a thriving industry. “Indian Predator: The Diary Of A Serial Killer” demonstrates once more that, when done properly, documentaries can engross, fascinate, and instill significant thoughts within you. Sudeep Nigam wrote the script and directed the documentary.

My particular concern is that the drama will eventually lose its ferocity. There were times throughout this documentary when you almost felt that the creators were attempting to sensationalize things by utilizing suspenseful background soundtracks and taking images that cinematically delivered the message, but they managed to keep the documentary’s sanctity intact.

In typical Netflix style, “Indian Predator: The Diary Of A Serial” first sets the scene and then transports viewers into the head of the killer. Understanding the inner workings of a criminal’s head is facilitated by this. Then, after some time, it presents you with a number of hypotheses and findings.

It acts neutral but, in fact, favors one explanation over the others and gently suggests which one you should adopt, while still allowing you to draw your own conclusions. So, let’s try to figure out what really happened, why the crime was committed, what the perpetrator’s motivation was, and whether or not justice was done or the serial killer took the use of legal loopholes in India.


There are three parts to this real crime narrative, just like the last time around. To tell the truth, after witnessing this, I was almost as horrified by the crimes as I was by the remarks made by people involved in the case. It’s unsettling and frightening, but I’m also watching from a totally different corner of the planet.

I was taken aback by some of the things I heard, as I said at the outset of my article. It is especially important to hear this from the police detectives and professionals who have been working on the case. As an example, there is a guru who says (quite dryly) that all serial killers maintain a journal.

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They then proceed to provide a large number of well-established illustrations of this. However, it’s true that some of them are more closely related to coding or collecting trophies. “Keeping a journal” is too simplistic. In addition, the diaries of any serial killers who were not known to maintain one are simply left out. This amazing “line-up,” however, is supposed to establish a highly fictitious point, and their inclusion would obviously undermine that.

It’s well knowledge that serial murderers enjoy collecting trophies; even Dexter Morgan couldn’t resist keeping a few blood splatter keepsakes. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up, though, when a person actively investigating a case states something as though it were a fact.

On Netflix, you can watch Indian Predator: The Diary of a Serial Killer.

The three episodes of The Diary of a Serial Killer last around 45 minutes apiece, so you may watch them all in one sitting if you wish. And, yeah, each episode tends to conclude in a way that makes you want to watch it again.

You’ll need to keep attentive since the convicted serial murderer goes under multiple identities. His name is Ram Niranjan, but he is better known as Raja Kolandar. Initially, the latter is largely employed in this docu-series.

In my review of the new Netflix docu-series, I know I’ve concentrated a lot on the cops and their bizarre claims. However, it’s tough not to believe when their statements account for at least 80% of the genuine criminal case. We usually hear them discuss the case, therefore this is what you must connect to. And it’s both bizarre and interesting.

To be honest, we have heard some bizarre assertions made by police investigators in both Europe and the United States. So I’m not saying this is all about crazy and strange Indian police investigators. They do, however, share a lot, even topics they should definitely keep to themselves.