How to Uninstall Avast from Mac?

Do you want your PC to work properly without slowing down the whole system while working? And also want to uninstall Avast Application which is free Antivirus and protects your system?

You already see that sometimes your System(PC) slows down or does not work properly when Antivirus scans your PC to protect it from malware. Antivirus Avast takes a long time to scan your PC against online virus and browser websites.

Uninstalling Avast from Mac:

Uninstalling Avast from Mac:

To uninstall the avast from your Mac-

  1. Select open vast security in the menu bar of Avast Security Icon.

uninstall avast from Mac

2. Click on Avast on the left side of the menu bar and ensure that Avast Window is active. Then click on the uninstall avast security.

uninstall avast from mac

3. Click uninstall.

uninstall avast from mac

4. In prompted, enter your user name and password, and then click on ok.

uninstall avast from mac

5.Click the quit button at last.

How Do I Completely Remove Avast From Your Window?

  1. Open the control panel then select Program and Features.
  2. In the Program and Features window, scroll down and select the Avast Antivirus application.
  3. Select uninstall and click ok.

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Does Avast Slow Down Your Mac?

Yes, Avast slows down your Mac even more. But Avast Security for Mac gives you protection from malware and from network problems also.

Is Avast Dangerous for Your Mac or Windows?

No, Avast is not Dangerous for your Mac. Avast is safe to use 99 times out of 100 and is a good antivirus program that protects your PC. Atmost in 1% case it may start creating issues to your PC.

Does Apple Recommend Antivirus for Mac?

According to Apple, it is not an essential requirement to install antivirus or Avast on your Mac.

“Apple does a pretty good job of keeping on top of vulnerabilities and exploits and the updates to the macOS that will protect your Mac will be pushed out over auto-update very quickly”.(1)

Is Avast worth paying for you?

Avast Premium Security is worth paying to you as it protects your PC from viruses. Most of us want more functions to increase its utility. There are many useful features which may give you to pay an extra price for its use i.e VPN and Cleanup.

Almost Premium Security is worth paying for you only exception is that it slows down your Mac.

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Which One is Better, Avast or McAfee?

Both McAfee and Avast are excellent antivirus software. But when you go with price, performance, and protection then you have to go with McAfee. Avast is also great and has extra features and protection but its price makes it less of value.

Last Lines

If you want to reinstall Avast in your Mac for protection against online viruses and others then you can also install it from this given process which is given below.