Drinking Too Much Water? Read This Today

How much water should you drink on a daily basis? It’s a straightforward question with no simple answer. Various studies have resulted in varying recommendations over the years. However, your water requirements are determined by multiple factors, including your health, level of activity, and location. Water is required for all cells in the body to function correctly. The issue arises when you question yourself, Are you drinking too much water. In terms of science, it’s a condition known as over-hydration.

During the hot summer months, a lot of attention is paid to dehydration and making sure we avoid it by drinking too much of water. Over-hydration, though less common, can also cause health problems.

“If I pull the wheel too far to the left and end up in a ditch, I’m dehydrated,” says Roberta Anding, RDN, a sports dietitian at Rice University in Houston. I’m dehydrated if I pull too hard to the right. Neither of these things is conducive to performance.”

Drinking Too Much Water

How Much Water Do We Need?

There is no single and stable formula for calculating how much water you should drink each day. Knowing more about your body’s fluid requirements, on the other hand, will help you estimate how much water to drink each day. The widely accepted recommendation of eight glasses of water per day is an excellent place to start. Depending on your environment, exercise regimen, overall health, and conditions such as pregnancy or breastfeeding, you should adjust your intake around this amount, avoiding drinking too much water.

Drinking Too Much Water

Advantages of Drinking Water

Water keeps the body’s systems running smoothly. Water performs numerous vital functions, such as:-

  • Removes bacteria from the bladder
  • Assists digestion and prevents constipation
  • Normalize blood pressure,
  • Stabilize the heartbeat,
  • Cushions the joints,
  • Protect organs and tissues,
  • Regulates body temperature, and balances electrolytes (sodium).

Staying hydrated means providing your body with enough fluids to perform those tasks. You risk becoming dehydrated if you do not drink enough water each day. Weakness, low blood pressure, dizziness, confusion, and dark urine are all signs of dehydration.

Drinking Too Much Water

What Are The Side Effects Of Drinking Too Much Water?

Hypothermia is one of the side effects of drinking too much water, also known as water intoxication.

Excessive water consumption dilutes electrolytes in the blood, such as sodium and Potassium. When the sodium level drops too quickly, fluids exit the bloodstream and enter tissue cells, causing them to expand. According to a recent study, in extreme cases, your brain cannot accommodate such intense swelling, resulting in neurological iassues or even death.

Suggestions for Avoiding Dehydration

Let’s get this straight, Water isn’t the only thing that keeps you hydrated. Almost all beverages containing water help you meet your daily requirements. It’s also a myth that caffeinated or alcoholic beverages are dehydrating because they cause you to urinate. They do, but the water in these beverages contributes to a net positive contribution to total fluid consumption throughout the day.

There are plenty of reasons why water remains the better option. Remember that drinks with sugar can cause weight gain and inflammation, increasing your risk of developing diabetes.

Caffeine can give you the jitters or prevent you from sleeping. In addition, women should limit their alcohol consumption to one drink per day, while men should limit their alcohol consumption to 1-2 drinks per day. Drink fluids throughout the day to avoid dehydration. You can also get plenty fluids from water-rich foods like salads, fruit, and applesauce.

Drinking Too Much Water

Final Words

If you drink plenty of water, you should be fine. What are the indications that you need to worry about it:-

  • You rarely get thirsty.
  • Urine in your system is either colourless or pale yellow.

Your doctor or dietitian can help you on how much water you should consume everyday. Make water your preferred beverage to avoid dehydration and ensure your body gets the fluids it needs. Drinking water is a good idea during each meal and in the intervals between meals and prior to, during, and following physical activities.

Water constitutes a large portion of the body and is required for cell function and survival. When your body requires excess water, it will let you know. Excessive drinking can lead to fatal complications. If you’re still unsure how much water you should drink per day, the most common recommendation is eight glasses per day.