Debris Season 1: Cast, Plot, Trailers, Spoilers & Updates!

Debris released with an absolutely astonishing story and here is what you need to know about the show.

This article is latest updated on 28 January 2022: Why is the Series named as Debris? What is the meaning of it? What’s special in the series? The things or pieces fell from the alien spacecraft are really harmful to the people living in that City.

Will the two agents from different continents and thinking investigate the mystery and reason behind this? Let’s know each and every detail about Debris season 1 and where to watch it.

Debris Meaning

It means small or scattered pieces of waste or remains or broken pieces of something. So you get what debris means in real and also in series. In Debris season 1, debris or small pieces are falling from the alien’s spaceship for the last six months which results in harmful effects on humans.

Then the government officials decided to investigate the mystery as they want to know why it is happening and it also tells the relationship between two leaders who are from different continents and work together to solve the reason behind these flying pieces which are coming from the destroyed spaceship.

Drama Name Debris
Category Sci-fi
Release Date Confirmed
Director J. H. Wyman
No. of Seasons 1


Who Are the Cast Members Who Performed in This Sci-fiction Drama?

These are the main and the recurring cast of Debris Season 1.

  • Bryan Beneventi as a CIA operative is played by Jonathan Tucker.
  • MI6 operative who is Finola Jones role is played by Riann Steele.
  • Norbert Leo Butz as Craig Maddox. He is also the CIA member and the handler of Bryan.
  • Anson Ash is played by Scroobius Pip, extremist group member and the group wants to use those pieces for unknown purpose.

Debris Season 1

Recurring Cast

  • Priya Ferris, handler of Jones, is played by Anjali Jay.
  • Dee Dee and she is the younger sister of Jones played by Gabrielle Ryan.
  • Sebastian Roche as Brill and she is the MI6 agent in this Debris drama.
  • Orbital Team member- Tom role is played by Thomas Cadrot.
  • Irina is a Russian Secret agent in the debris sci-fiction drama played by Andrea Stefancikova.
  • Dee Dee father and scientist George Jones is played by Tyrone Benskin.

Along with these members there are few members who gave their contribution in this series and in episodes of season 1.

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Debris: Release Date


Debris is a science fiction tv series which is produced by Universal and Legendary Television which runs for 42-43 minutes per episode on NBC in its Original language i.e. English in United States and then you can stream on other platforms also.

Debris came on March 1, 2021 which consist of 13 episodes in season 1. Firstly the series is ordered as pilot by NBC in the previous year but finally picked up as a series on June 29, 2020 after it was announced that Jason Hoffs is also joining the series as the Co- executive producer with J.H Wyman.

But Unfortunately the series is not picked up for the next season and cancelled in May 2021 after its 1st season concluded.

In the given post you will see that how people love this show and wants Debris season 2 and are very disappointed with NBC as it has an amazing and an original plot. So let’s see will the other networks pick the series to continue this science fiction drama.

Debris: Where to Watch


Want to rememories the episodes of Debris then you can stream this drama of two investigators on these platforms-

Catch the Expanse season 6 which is most wanted and watchable series of Amazon Prime. Read More: The Expanse Season 6 Science Fiction Drama is Not Coming in October 2021 on Amazon!

Can I Watch the Debris series on Netflix?

Sorry, on Netflix the series is not available what you can watch this series on other given platforms.

Want to watch Debris Trailer

Debris: Ratings and Reviews

On IMDB: This Debris series got 6.5 ratings to this science fiction series out of 10 but the popularity of this season is going down. At the time of writing 467 user reviews are written for this series.

On RottenTomatoes :Here season 1 received 74% Average Tomato and an average score of 70%.

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Last Lines

It is a good series to watch but unfortunately its next season it not come as it was cancelled in May 2021 after the first season.

There are more similar sci-fiction series to watch on to watch if you already watched Debris then search other sci-fiction series keeperfacts.