Top 10 Reasons To Include Chia Seeds In Your Diet !

A mint-family flowering plant produces edible seeds known as chia, Salba, or Mexican chia. The Aztecs and Mesoamericans relied heavily on them as a source of food. They were used for medical purposes and were an essential part of the diet.
Many countries, including Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Argentina, Australia, and the United States, now produce commercial quantities of chia.
Although chia seeds are only a few millimetres long, they pack a powerful nutritional punch. Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, minerals, fibre, and omega-3 fatty acids, which may help cardiovascular health, bone strength, and blood sugar control.
A look at some of the scientifically-backed health advantages of chia seeds.
Enhanced Control of Blood Sugar
Fiber-rich chia seeds are a good source. You can lower your chance of developing metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes by increasing your intake of fibre, according to research. Bread containing chia seeds has also been found to have a lower blood sugar.
Inflammation is reduced
Heart disease and cancer can be caused by long-term inflammation. Adding chia seeds to your diet can help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammatory indicators, such as those found in chia seeds, may be reduced by regular use of the seeds.
Abundance of Nutrients
Rich in nutrients per calorie, nutrient dense foods are an excellent source of nutrition. Since chia seeds include all three essential macronutrients — complex carbs, lean protein, and healthy fat — they may be very advantageous.
Enriched with fiber
Dietitians from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics say that most Americans are getting too little fibre in their diets. For those under 50 and over 50, the recommended daily fibre intake is 25 to 38 grammes for individuals and 21 to 30 grammes for those over 50. One ounce of chia seeds delivers a massive 9.8 grammes.
Weight Loss in a Healthy Manner
There is 39% of your daily fibre need in only one ounce of chia seeds. When you eat seeds, the soluble fibre in them absorbs water, expanding them in your stomach and making you feel fuller. Chia seeds can help you maintain a healthy weight by making you feel full on less food.
Improved Bone Wellness
Magnesium and phosphorus, two elements abundant in chia seeds, are critical for strong bones. Calcium, which is essential for strong bones, muscles, and nerves, is found in 18% of the daily recommended amount in a single ounce of the seeds. Chia seeds are higher in calcium than dairy products.
Omega-3 fatty acids are present
Chia seeds are rich in heart-healthy, monounsaturated fat. Omega-3 fats account for 5 grammes of the 9 grammes in each serving. Cardiovascular disorders such as arrhythmias and blocked arteries are less likely when this type of fat is consumed consistently.
Enriched with iron
The average adult requires 8 to 18 milligrammes of iron per day, depending on their activity level. When it comes to menstrual cycles, you’ll be on the higher end of the scale. Your body and brain are supplied with oxygen-rich blood if you consume one ounce of chia seeds.
Contain electrolytes
Electrolytes in chia seeds help your muscles and heart operate regularly by providing minerals that serve as electrolytes in your body. With 95 milligrammes per one-ounce serving, the seeds are an excellent source of magnesium. Potassium is also found in moderate amounts in some foods.
B-Vitamins Can Be Found in it
The metabolic and cardiovascular health benefits of B vitamins cannot be overstated. The B-vitamins in chia seeds, such as thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin, are found in abundance in the seeds. Chia seeds, contain 2.5 milligrammes of niacin per ounce, which can help you fulfil the 14 to 16 milligrammes per day that are advised.
How to Make the Most of It
How many chia seeds should you eat a day, and how often? The normal amount recommended is one to three teaspoons per day. It’s important to drink plenty of water along with them so that the fibre can do its job.
From where to purchase it
In most supermarkets, dried chia seeds may be obtained in the health food area. Apart from this, it is also available online.
In order to keep your skin moisturised, chia seed can be put to your skin directly.
Regardless of what kind of seeds you choose, always buy organic ones and check the expiration date to make sure they haven’t gone bad.
Final Thoughts
- In addition to protein, fibre, omega-3 fatty acids and key minerals such as manganese, calcium, and phosphorus, the nutritional profile of chia seeds provides numerous health benefits because of its abundance of nutrients.
- More weight reduction, better blood sugar levels, greater heart health, regularity, and more are all benefits of chia seeds.
- There are a variety of chia seed recipes to choose from, ranging from pudding to protein bars to baked items, so you can reap the nutritional benefits of this high-fiber seed.
- Soak, crush, or simply eat chia seeds as part of your daily diet to reap the many health advantages of chia seeds.