Anti-valentine’s Day 2021 | Know Everything About Them

The month of February is started and we know that Valentine’s week is about to come too and for that week, we have specially made an article for you all. Go and check it out. After celebrating Valentine’s week, What next? You have already done a lot of romantic talks, gifted him/her a lot of things from Chocolate to roses and also told her your inner feelings. But do you know that there is another week waiting for you? We called it Anti-Valentine’s Week. A week that will make the heart of all singles back to normal. If you’re an also single then I know that you are already fed up with all the romantic posts which your friends are doing for their partner.

There are many couples who show loyalty to their partner but this world is big and everyone is not the same. Not every person can fulfil the promises which they have made, that’s the reason why we have so many Heartbroken people in this world.

Anti-Valentine’s Day – List of days of 2021

The Anti-Valentine’s Week comes right after Valentine’s Week so what are you waiting for? Read this table to see which day is celebrated as which day.

15 February 2021 Monday Slap Day
16 February 2021 Tuesday Kick Day
17 February 2021 Wednesday Perfume Day
18 February 2021 Thursday Flirting Day
19 February 2021 Friday Confession Day
20 February 2021 Saturday Missing Day
21 February 2021 Sunday Breakup Day

Anti-Valentine’s Day – Know about these days in detail

Note – The thing which should be remembered here that, we at Keeperfacts, can’t tolerate violent towards men and women and this day is just meant for fun. If there is any person who feels that they are in a toxic relationship which includes physical violence then we recommend you to go to the police right after.

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Slap Day

happy slap day 2021

The next day after Valentine’s day is the day when you celebrate Slap day. Many people, who are singles, celebrate this day by slapping your friends. Slap day is just for fun and it should be played as fun. There is no harm for the couples too and they can play this day too but we recommend you to slap slowly because you can end up fighting with the other person.

Are you having fun while reading this article? keep enjoying but don’t fall in the trap of WhatsApp Valentine’s day scam.

Kick Day

happy kick day

It is normal for people to trust the other person and get heartbroken. There are many people who cheat on their partner while being in a relationship. If your partner is doing something like this then we recommend you to kick him out from your life. Likewise, the slap day, this day can be also played as fun between the friends.

Feeling sad? Listen to the music and boost you mood. Read this article to know more –

Perfume Day

anti-valentine's week 2021

I have already warned you beforehand that slap and kick your partner slowly. But you didn’t listen to my instruction and now your partner is upset with you. Make him up by giving a perfume and see the smile on their face. Perfume day is celebrated by giving perfume to your partner. Gift him/her a sweet perfume and don’t forget to add the word “Sorry” with it.

Read More: 10+ Ideas To Propose Your Crush On This Valentine’s Day

Flirting Day

Anti-Valentine's Week flirting day 2021

As the name suggests, this day is made to do flirting. If you’re talking to your crush then take this day as an excuse and do some flirting, but flirting should be healthy.

Moreover, if your boyfriend/girlfriend is angry with you, you can do some flirting and try to make him up.

Are you confused with the gift you want to give to impress your Valentine? Here we are with the best 30+ Budget-Friendly Gift For Your Valentine/ Crush

Confession Day

anti-valentine's week 2021

Done with flirting? Now confess your feelings to your crush. The confession day is made for the loners to try their luck out. If you are a shy kind of person, we recommend you to go out of your box and tell everything which you wanted to say with your crush. Now, I know this isn’t easy as it sounds but takes a risk because life is nothing without it. What if they said YES? Yeah, that can happen too.

Wanna impress your Crush? then read this article –

Missing Day

Anti-Valentine's Week missing day

If your lover is angry with you or maybe your crush doesn’t go according to our plan then it’s time to remember them. This day is specially made to miss the person you love the most in your life and what better than remembering your EX. We know that not everyone has a happy ending but there are people who still love their EX and its OKAY. You can also remember your old self when you used to be a fool for the wrong person. For the singles, this day can be celebrated as a day to remember your mistakes which they have made while being in a relationship.

Read More: 13+ Things To Do For Your Partner On Valentine’s Day

Breakup day

Anti-Valentine's Week 2021

The people are temporary and so is their so-called love. It’s not your mistake that you have loved the wrong person but it’s their loss. A wrong person cannot change the way you love others and if you are not getting the same love from your partner then break up on this day.

The last day of Anti-valentine’s week is for the people to tell them their actual worth in this world. If you’re already in a toxic relationship then get yourself out and break up with him/her. We know that it is not an easy task to do so but you have to do it. Your love is priceless and the person who doesn’t value it doesn’t deserve it either.

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Final words

Love can be a beautiful feeling and it can be enjoyed by celebrating that’s why we have Valentine’s week for the people. the week is basically to stronger your bond with your partner and embrace each other presence in their life. However, it is also a sad fact that not every relationship is a fairy tale and to tell that we have Anti-Valentine’s Week for you. While Valentine’s Week will take you to the bright side of love, Anti-Valentine’s Day will make you check the Reality.

Moreover, if you’re already a heartbroken person then don’t worry because we gotcha your back. Comment us down your story maybe that’s how you can find your true love 😊